1)In order to implement programs on environment protection and water conservation,a special ministry must be created at the state level.Like the way it is being done in the developed countries,the government must give top priority to environmental protection while implementing development programs.
2)Govt of India approved national policy on the development and conservation of forests 30 years ago.This policy says that 33 percent of the total area of the country must be covered by the forests.However,even today,we will have 23 per cent of the area covered by the forests .Had the plan been executed ,the situation would not be as it is now .The department of the forest should be strengthened and empowered at least now in order to increase the forest area.The revenue generated from the forest must be utilized only for the conservation and development of forests.The department of forest must support all the Government and non Government organizations and individuals striving for the cause by distributing saplings and plats at free of
3)While,AIDS kills people one person at a time,natural disasters caused by environmental pollution kill people in the thousands and lakhs at a time .since,the environmental pollution has much worse impact on mankind than AIDS,Government must give top priority to increase the awareness of the people on environmental
4)The government must immediately declare environmental emergency.As Part of environmental protection and water conservation programs de-silting of lakes and digging of water pits must be taken up on war-foot babis.The government must make it mandatory for the people to participate in such programs.Harmful activities to the environment must be treated as serious offense and must be punished immediately
5)All the existing lakes must be declared as protected areas by the governement.Any offenders filling the lakes and making constructions over them must be punished.It is time to recollect the fact that in ancient and medieval Indian Villages tank or lake was a sacred and most protected place
6)The governement must make it compulsory for owners of plots 250 Sq.Yards or more to have water harvesting pit.The present G.O in this matter must be enforced strictly
7)The Walta law,which was brought into effect to control indiscriminate use of ground water resources,must be publicized and enforced strictly
8)It is known from the experience of several countries that involving children in the environmental protection programsyields excellent results.Every school must appoint drawing art teachers,who can impart knowledge and training on environment protection by pictorially showing the ill-effects of air ,water and ground pollution.The subject ,Environment Education ,which is part of the present school curriculum,must bemade compulsory to pass in the subjects also.
9)There were craft teachers in all schools 20 years ago .They taught the vocational education on gardening ,weaving and cleen & green activities with in school premises
10)The government must compell all the public and private organizations to spend atleast a few hours a week towards activities concerning environmental protection and water conserevation .Documentaries on the environmental protection must be screened in movie theaters and other placesso that the message reaches a larger audience.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Children's Day at LAkshya Sadhana
India celebrates Children's day on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's Birthday. In remembrance of his love towards children We, cheyutha Foundation,visited and organized some events at Lakshya Sadhana(Special school for mentally challenged).
The school was established in 1997 for giving hope to mentally challenged children in Safilguda,Hyderabad. We have been associates of Lakshya sadhana since one year by contributions towards food necessaries.
we reached the institute by 10:00 AM and soon conducted games, which are suitable for them. The games which we conducted will add to the tasks,which were designed to improve their mental strength.
After finishing the games, selected children of the institute participated in plantation program.And finally, we had wind up things there by distributing Sweets and gifts to the children.
Children's day is a special occasion for the children throughout the country but the time we spent at the institute was very very special as this was the occasion which we spent with mentally challenged children.
This gives us much satisfaction and remember us more duty towards the society
visit http://picasaweb.google.com/cheyutha.foundation/Nov14th2008#slideshow
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Started Textbook Library at VPS

We feel immense pleasure to start a Cheyutha's Textbook library at Vivekananda Public School on this auspicious day(October 2nd,2008).Cheyutha Team along with children and staff celebrated this great day by lighting a candel,singing Gandhi's favourite devotional song 'Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram' in memory of him.Speech is delivered to children about the importance of birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the "Father of the Nation".
On this great day ,We Cheyutha foundation distributed clothes to the children and sponsored salary of Rs.2000/- to Hindi Pandit Smt.Jayamma.
TextBook Library:
The aim of this Textbook library is circulation and reuse of the textbooks for the current and future students.
Cheyutha collected a good amount of old as well as new textbooks which can be used by both Teacher's and children's as a reference.
We felt so happy seeing innocent smile on children's faces and making this event successful.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Teacher's day celebrations at VPS
We are happy to extend our help to Vivekananda Public school(VPS has a strength of 300 children from primary to X std managed by Mr. Murthy from the past 25 years. VPS provides education at free of cost.),Hyderabad.We started the 1st day of Cheyutha's 3rd year at VPS by celebrating Teacher's day(September 5th,2008).As part of the activities we gave salaries to three teachers (Smt Vijaya,Smt Jayamma, Smt Hurunissa) and distributed sweets to around 300 children over there.
With the outcome of discussions among Cheyutha members held on 31st August,2008 meeting,we have worked out the strategy to consolidate VPS.
1.To sponsor Smt.Jayamma,Hindi pandit by giving salary of Rs2000/- per month.
2.To start Textbook Library for children's reference which is reusable.
The program held at VPS was successful and the happiness we saw on children's face is memorable.We really had a great fun and strive to see the same grace on the children's face.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
INDO-US Nuclear Deal
Energy being an engine of economy, plays a crucial role in achieving economic targets of India. Increasing energy both quality and quantity wise, with sustainable development, is the major challenge before India. Nuclear energy being environment friendly , seems to be an optimal option to India to face its challenges.
India is not the signatory of non-proliferation treaty. This prevented India from receiving any assistance from any of the major nuclear powers and also from a 45 member Nuclear Supply Group [NSG]. With this isolation and less uranium reserves in the country , only 3% of energy has been added to total energy by nuclear sources.
With these concerns, India moved on for a bilateral agreement with United States of America for civil nuclear co-operation between two countries. This agreement caused wide spread alarm and opened a debate on the agreement in all fields- Academic, Politics, Economic and at all levels- local , national, international.
The US president signed the Henry. J. Hyde US –India peaceful atomic energy co-operation act of 2006. This act was an amendment to the 1954 US atomic energy act, allowing the US president to enter into a bilateral agreement with India on civilian nuclear co-operation. This act contained provisions which were not in favor of India. Viz suspension of US co-operation if India conducts nuclear test in future, active participation of India to isolate Iran etc.
With negotiations from India side, US signed 123 agreement , which stipulates that a bilateral agreement has to be reached before the US could co-operate with any other country in the nuclear field.
Some of the highlights of Indo-US 123 agreement are.
a) Civil nuclear co-operation covering supply of nuclear fuel, nuclear reactors etc.
b) Development of strategic reserve of nuclear fuel by India.
c) Provision of reprocessing of spent fuel.
d) Right of USA to require India to return nuclear material of equipment in case of cessation of co-operation.
e) Non-Interference with India’s indigenous nuclear power program.
f) No explicit restriction on India’s right to conduct nuclear tests in future.
g) A provision of termination of agreement by either country with one year’s notice.
This agreement, when it comes in to force, will break three decade old isolation of India from international nuclear co-operation. India can import nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel from other countries also , if India succeeds in amending NSG guidelines in favour of it. Our nuclear public sector units also can acquire stakes in global natural uranium mines . This makes India to supply fuel not only with improved quality but also at lower prices. India can also improve ties with foreign nuclear players and will be capable of exporting its indigenous PHWRs to small nations like Thailand, Cambodia etc. The above concerns , make India to double it’s nuclear power generating capacity.
Even though India succeeded in getting maximum favour from US , India needs to address some issues before entering into the agreement.
Nuclear energy, though releases less amounts of green house gases, is an unrealistic solution to reduce global warming , because the construction and process of generating power takes much time. The cost of constructing the same will also be high. To reduce global warming by nuclear energy, it is estimated that a new nuclear plant has to be constructed every week. with this in view, India needs to depend along with the nuclear energy, more on other energy sources which are cheap and have immediate impact on environment and global warming.
India needs to develop safeguard measures of the nuclear program . The world has witnessed some terrible nuclear accidents like Chernobyl incident. Leakage of radiation from nuclear plants covers huge damage to life and property. Also, with growing terrorism , these nuclear plants may become their future targets of attack.
India needs to protect it’s independent foreign policy. Some believe that India voted against Iran at IAEA meeting, which affected relations with Iran, due to pressure from USA. we should give priority to energy independence over energy security , built on foreign sources. Hence, we should speed up the process of developing Thorium based nuclear power technology , as we have sufficient thorium recourses.
There are many people who differ with the technicalities in some provisions of the agreement. The right to reprocess is given only in-principle and it also does not provide for full civil nuclear co-operation, since the reprocessing, environment technology will not be transferred.
Nothing can be perfect. There will be some pros and cons. N-Deal with US exhibits results in a long run. With all these flood of ideas in it’s view, India should move forward with Indo-US nuclear deal. By keeping it’s foreign policy independent, India should view nuclear power as a voiable supplement of fossile fuel generated power but not as an alternative to the latter.
Cheyutha Supports Nuclear Deal with US.
Add on your valuable comments...
India is not the signatory of non-proliferation treaty. This prevented India from receiving any assistance from any of the major nuclear powers and also from a 45 member Nuclear Supply Group [NSG]. With this isolation and less uranium reserves in the country , only 3% of energy has been added to total energy by nuclear sources.
With these concerns, India moved on for a bilateral agreement with United States of America for civil nuclear co-operation between two countries. This agreement caused wide spread alarm and opened a debate on the agreement in all fields- Academic, Politics, Economic and at all levels- local , national, international.
The US president signed the Henry. J. Hyde US –India peaceful atomic energy co-operation act of 2006. This act was an amendment to the 1954 US atomic energy act, allowing the US president to enter into a bilateral agreement with India on civilian nuclear co-operation. This act contained provisions which were not in favor of India. Viz suspension of US co-operation if India conducts nuclear test in future, active participation of India to isolate Iran etc.
With negotiations from India side, US signed 123 agreement , which stipulates that a bilateral agreement has to be reached before the US could co-operate with any other country in the nuclear field.
Some of the highlights of Indo-US 123 agreement are.
a) Civil nuclear co-operation covering supply of nuclear fuel, nuclear reactors etc.
b) Development of strategic reserve of nuclear fuel by India.
c) Provision of reprocessing of spent fuel.
d) Right of USA to require India to return nuclear material of equipment in case of cessation of co-operation.
e) Non-Interference with India’s indigenous nuclear power program.
f) No explicit restriction on India’s right to conduct nuclear tests in future.
g) A provision of termination of agreement by either country with one year’s notice.
This agreement, when it comes in to force, will break three decade old isolation of India from international nuclear co-operation. India can import nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel from other countries also , if India succeeds in amending NSG guidelines in favour of it. Our nuclear public sector units also can acquire stakes in global natural uranium mines . This makes India to supply fuel not only with improved quality but also at lower prices. India can also improve ties with foreign nuclear players and will be capable of exporting its indigenous PHWRs to small nations like Thailand, Cambodia etc. The above concerns , make India to double it’s nuclear power generating capacity.
Even though India succeeded in getting maximum favour from US , India needs to address some issues before entering into the agreement.
Nuclear energy, though releases less amounts of green house gases, is an unrealistic solution to reduce global warming , because the construction and process of generating power takes much time. The cost of constructing the same will also be high. To reduce global warming by nuclear energy, it is estimated that a new nuclear plant has to be constructed every week. with this in view, India needs to depend along with the nuclear energy, more on other energy sources which are cheap and have immediate impact on environment and global warming.
India needs to develop safeguard measures of the nuclear program . The world has witnessed some terrible nuclear accidents like Chernobyl incident. Leakage of radiation from nuclear plants covers huge damage to life and property. Also, with growing terrorism , these nuclear plants may become their future targets of attack.
India needs to protect it’s independent foreign policy. Some believe that India voted against Iran at IAEA meeting, which affected relations with Iran, due to pressure from USA. we should give priority to energy independence over energy security , built on foreign sources. Hence, we should speed up the process of developing Thorium based nuclear power technology , as we have sufficient thorium recourses.
There are many people who differ with the technicalities in some provisions of the agreement. The right to reprocess is given only in-principle and it also does not provide for full civil nuclear co-operation, since the reprocessing, environment technology will not be transferred.
Nothing can be perfect. There will be some pros and cons. N-Deal with US exhibits results in a long run. With all these flood of ideas in it’s view, India should move forward with Indo-US nuclear deal. By keeping it’s foreign policy independent, India should view nuclear power as a voiable supplement of fossile fuel generated power but not as an alternative to the latter.
Cheyutha Supports Nuclear Deal with US.
Add on your valuable comments...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sponsor a kid
The academic year is starting, and as stated before, we are humble and feel proud as we succeeded in "Sponsor a Kid" program. It all started with the "Sponsor a Kid" plan in which we started this project and this was communicated to many of our friends and members of Cheyutha, through emails and word of mouth. We had a great response back, and now we are able to sponsor around 8 kids for this academic year. (Still 3 admissions are in process).
The kids were very happy and we were able to see the glow on their faces, when they being handed out the slates, books and school uniforms. We can easily make that they were really excited to get them.
The tough time starts now. Now that with the help of donors, we are able to make 8 children join the school, we need to continously keep monitoring their academics to see that they make it really good at the end. And we know this is going to be tough.
We are really grateful and thank all the donors who Joined Their Hands For This Good Cause, without whom this would have been just on papers. And we assure you that WE, the Cheyutha team shall make the donors happy at the end of the day for supporting Cheyutha in sponsoring a kid.
The kids were very happy and we were able to see the glow on their faces, when they being handed out the slates, books and school uniforms. We can easily make that they were really excited to get them.
The tough time starts now. Now that with the help of donors, we are able to make 8 children join the school, we need to continously keep monitoring their academics to see that they make it really good at the end. And we know this is going to be tough.
We are really grateful and thank all the donors who Joined Their Hands For This Good Cause, without whom this would have been just on papers. And we assure you that WE, the Cheyutha team shall make the donors happy at the end of the day for supporting Cheyutha in sponsoring a kid.
Visit to Sphoorti
On the 15th of June, We, the Cheyutha Team, visited the Sphoorti Foundation near Cherlapalli. The kids at the place gave us a real good warm welcome. While the kids were introducing themselves to us, we were very pleased to see that all the kids were pretty decent in speaking english.
Then they took us to the library where they had a good amount of books collected with them along with the momentos and prizes they won. The kids there had some good talent with them, like some of them were singing very well. Then it was fun time. Some of us played cricket along with them, followed by carroms and blind fold, followed by some more. They showed us all of the rooms in which they were living. They made us feel like a kid all the time when we were there. We had a great weekend.
And as it was the new academic year starting this June, we saw a good number of elders helping the kids to cover and arrange the books.
Atlast this weekend was worth to see a group of kids happy playing, chitchatting, and helping each other living at a single place. It was just great to be there.
Monday, May 5, 2008
When we were at the age of 15 years old,we used to play outdoor games for many hours in summer holidays.Can we play now ? Is this because of 10 more years which added to our life OR because of few degrees which added to the past temperatures ? Now,we are feeling very uncomfortable even to have a journey for few minutes to our workplace. 10 years back,a death because of sunstroke was a rare phenomenon but now,it has become quite common.A mention about heavy and devastating floods in recent times,also,sounds good at this point.
The environment ,which we used to enjoy with pleasant climate in both seasons,definitely ,is not the same for future generations.There are many scientists who believe this situation is because of the man-made faults.Do we have any share in these faults ?Yes,may be to some extent.
According to natural justice,one who do faults,he alone should suffer the punishment.But in this ongoing environmental faults,may be done by few,the punishment is for all living at present and for all,who are going to live in future.
what's the remedy for this?.
Each person,irrespective of the intensity of the destruction to the environment,contributed and contributing for this phenomenon.We request everyone to think about future and future generations and to contribute for the reversal of climatic changes.
So, Please share your valuable opinions on how could we think locally so that it acts globally.
The environment ,which we used to enjoy with pleasant climate in both seasons,definitely ,is not the same for future generations.There are many scientists who believe this situation is because of the man-made faults.Do we have any share in these faults ?Yes,may be to some extent.
According to natural justice,one who do faults,he alone should suffer the punishment.But in this ongoing environmental faults,may be done by few,the punishment is for all living at present and for all,who are going to live in future.
what's the remedy for this?.
Each person,irrespective of the intensity of the destruction to the environment,contributed and contributing for this phenomenon.We request everyone to think about future and future generations and to contribute for the reversal of climatic changes.
So, Please share your valuable opinions on how could we think locally so that it acts globally.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Activities of Cheyutha
Our first activity was at SIDHUR Orphanage Home on Oct 8th, 2006 where we distributed blankets, notebooks and geometric boxes to the children. In the same month, the requirements of Sujyothi Makkala Mane, Bangalore, free hostel for physically challenged people were fulfilled.
At SIRIA Orphange and Residential school, text books, school uniforms were distributed and 58th Republic day was celebrated there by organizing some cultural activities.
Donated required materials to COURTESY FOUNDATION at Bangalore.
We assisted Rama by providing some medical assistance as he was hospitalized because of major head injuries in an accident
We extended our hands to Sunanda and Oblesh by paying fees for their academic career.
Blood Donation camps were conducted on Aug 15th,2007 and Jan 26th,2008.
Apart from the above activities, we regularly donate for the food expenses of LakshyaSadhana - School for mentally challenged (http://lakshyasadhana.com/), milk expenses of ViswaPrema Old Age Home (Proddatur), food expenses for a group of children taken care by Mr. Prakash.
At SIRIA Orphange and Residential school, text books, school uniforms were distributed and 58th Republic day was celebrated there by organizing some cultural activities.
Donated required materials to COURTESY FOUNDATION at Bangalore.
We assisted Rama by providing some medical assistance as he was hospitalized because of major head injuries in an accident
We extended our hands to Sunanda and Oblesh by paying fees for their academic career.
Blood Donation camps were conducted on Aug 15th,2007 and Jan 26th,2008.
Apart from the above activities, we regularly donate for the food expenses of LakshyaSadhana - School for mentally challenged (http://lakshyasadhana.com/), milk expenses of ViswaPrema Old Age Home (Proddatur), food expenses for a group of children taken care by Mr. Prakash.
The Story of Cheyutha - Pains and Gains
It was in August 2006, for the first time I expressed my views and concerns to my friend P.Vamsi Krishna about having one platform to help the needy. We, along with B.Kousilnath, came out with Cheyutha Foundation. We have spread our plans, procedures, methodologies that we are going to follow with all our freinds.
Some people anticipated that this project is going to be a failure and few challenged that it will not stand. Some believed that it will be hard and tough for use to get contributions and to work.
Carrying these criticisms, we forwarded a step and posted our first mail on september 5th, 2006. We succeeded in collecting Rs.6,500/- for that month. It was on Oct 8th, 2006, the Cheyutha group arranged its first activity at SIDHUR HOME FOR ORPHANS, Hyderabad. There we distributed some of the requirements of children. By seeing the happiness in the eyes of children, our group is seriously comitted to extend our helping hand to more people and build confidence in their lives.
Along with the time our team has come out with some regulations and directive principles to work. (check the goals of Cheyutha at http://www.cheyutha.co.in/About%20us.html)
On June 27th 2007, TEAM CHEYUTHA entered into new shoes as it was registered under the Andhra Pradesh societies Registration Act, 35 of 2001 and TEAM CHEYUTHA became CHEYUTHA FOUNDATION (281/2007). In the same month we extended our helping hands to CHENNAI also.
To make the activities of CHEYUTHA FOUDATION alive, we decided to have regular contributions to some centers like Viswaprema Old Age Home (PDTR), LakshyaSadhana(Centre for mentally challenged, Hyderabad).
BLOOD DONATION camp on Aug 15th 2007, carried CHEYUTHA FOUDATION to newer heights.
I am very happy to see CHEYUTHA FOUDATION very strong. The mixture of various people from different regions and fields makes to have a flow of COMPOSITE IDEAS into CHEYUTHA FOUDATION.
I should mention the names of Mr. Moshe for designing the Cheyutha Logo and D.Nikhil for spelling out the expression of cheyutha.
Finally, I thank each & every member of CHEYUTHA who carried it to newer heights.
G. Veera Reddy
Some people anticipated that this project is going to be a failure and few challenged that it will not stand. Some believed that it will be hard and tough for use to get contributions and to work.
Carrying these criticisms, we forwarded a step and posted our first mail on september 5th, 2006. We succeeded in collecting Rs.6,500/- for that month. It was on Oct 8th, 2006, the Cheyutha group arranged its first activity at SIDHUR HOME FOR ORPHANS, Hyderabad. There we distributed some of the requirements of children. By seeing the happiness in the eyes of children, our group is seriously comitted to extend our helping hand to more people and build confidence in their lives.
Along with the time our team has come out with some regulations and directive principles to work. (check the goals of Cheyutha at http://www.cheyutha.co.in/About%20us.html)
On June 27th 2007, TEAM CHEYUTHA entered into new shoes as it was registered under the Andhra Pradesh societies Registration Act, 35 of 2001 and TEAM CHEYUTHA became CHEYUTHA FOUNDATION (281/2007). In the same month we extended our helping hands to CHENNAI also.
To make the activities of CHEYUTHA FOUDATION alive, we decided to have regular contributions to some centers like Viswaprema Old Age Home (PDTR), LakshyaSadhana(Centre for mentally challenged, Hyderabad).
BLOOD DONATION camp on Aug 15th 2007, carried CHEYUTHA FOUDATION to newer heights.
I am very happy to see CHEYUTHA FOUDATION very strong. The mixture of various people from different regions and fields makes to have a flow of COMPOSITE IDEAS into CHEYUTHA FOUDATION.
I should mention the names of Mr. Moshe for designing the Cheyutha Logo and D.Nikhil for spelling out the expression of cheyutha.
Finally, I thank each & every member of CHEYUTHA who carried it to newer heights.
G. Veera Reddy
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